College level learning requires the ability to learn and remember information. You should expect to have to work on improving your skills throughout your college years. In addition, in today’s world most jobs that require a college degree will also expect you to engage in life-long learning.
After reading each section you should be able to answer the review questions. Be specific in defining terms and describing research on that topic. You may need to re-read the section to pick out specific information.
To study for exams, make flashcards or write answers in a notebook to the review questions. Write the term, a definition, related research and/or a couple of examples taken from the lecture, power points, handouts, films, and textbook. Write the information in your own words, as opposed to just copying information from the text or handout. To write something in your own words, put away other materials and write a definition. If you can’t do this, you don’t know the concept well enough. Re-study materials until you can write a definition and come up with examples without looking at the text or handouts. Quiz yourself using the flashcards you have prepared.
College success also means learning about how to study smarter. Look at these sources for great ideas on how to make the most of your study time.
Make It Stick: Six Tips for Students
Review Questions
Which of the following is a more effective technique?
- Cramming for tests or spacing your study time?
- Taking notes by hand or by computer?
- Using recall to quiz yourself or looking over your notes?
Great learning advice from “Make it Stick: The Science of Successful Learning”
Don’t use the excuse of “test anxiety”. People become anxious about taking tests when they can’t define terms or come up with examples. Expect to spend about 3-6 hours per week outside of class for this course. Be sure you schedule study time during your week, in addition to class time. Hard work and preparation is the cure for test anxiety.