The History of New Mexico
- Acknowledgements
- Production Team
- Special Thanks
- Credits

Splash Image [this page]: Tungate, M. (2010). Mystical mountain [photograph]. Retrieved from Flickr, CC BY 2.0.
Chapter 1
Splash Image: Shahan, T. (Photographer). (2011). Desert Landscape – New Mexico [photograph]. Retrieved from Flickr, CC BY 2.0.
Quipu ML600004. c. 1300-1532 AD. Inca textile, height 80 cm, length 16.8 cm. Museo Larco, Lima–Perú.
Slideshow–Historians of New Mexico:
- (n.d.). W.W.H. Davis [photograph]. Collection of the Mercer Museum of the Bucks County Historical Society.
- (n.d.). Captain Gaspar Pérez de Villagrá [photograph]. National Library of Spain.
- Bloom. L.B. & Walter, P.A.F. (n.d.). Ralph Emerson Twitchell [photograph]. In “New Mexico Historical Review, Vol. 1.” University of New Mexico, Historical Society of New Mexico, School of American Research. Santa Fe, NM.
- (c. 1930). Peggy Pond Church [photograph]. Los Alamos Historical Society Photo Archives.
- Bloom, J.P. (n.d.). Picture of my father Lansing B. Bloom [photograph]. Courtesy of John P. Bloom.
- (1945). Fray Angelico Chavez, O.F.M., Santa Fe, New Mexico [photograph]. Courtesy of Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), No. 164125.
- (n.d.). Fabiola Cabeza de Baca [photograph]. Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (neg. 148467), New Mexico History Museum, Santa Fe.
- Connell, W. (Photographer). (1932). Erna Fergusson [photograph]. Courtesy of Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), No. 059764.
- Keegan, M. (Photographer). (n.d.). Portrait of Joe Sando [photograph]. Courtesy of Marcia Keegan Photography.
- Gonzáles, C. (n.d.). Donald Cutter [photograph]. Courtesy of Carolyn Gónzales.
- (n.d.). Bertha Parker Pallan [Cody] (1907-1978) [photograph]. Acc. 90-105 – Science Service, Records, 1920s-1970s, Smithsonian Institution Archives.
- Haines, C.F. (n.d.). Marc Simmons [photograph]. Courtesy of Cynthia F. Haines.
- Kessell, J. (n.d.). John Kessell [photograph]. Courtesy of John Kessell.
- Dickey, R.F. (Photographer). (n.d.). Eleanor Adams, France V. Scholes, Angelico Chavez [photograph]. Courtesy of John Kessell.
Jones, A. (Photographer). (2012). Racist Sign [photograph]. Downtown Memphis, Tennessee. Retrieved from Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0.
Russell, A.J. (Photographer). (1869). 1869 Golden Spike [photograph]. National Archives and Records Administration, ARC 594940.
Vitor 1234 (Photographer). (2008). Serra de Capivara [photograph]. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0.
Sanson, N. (Photographer). (1667). Paris: Chez l’ Auteur et chez Pierre Mariette, 1650 [map]. Geography & Map Division, Library of Congress, g3300 ct000705.
Brumidi, C. (Designer) and Costaggini, F. (Painter). (1889). Frieze of American History: American Army Entering the City of Mexico [photograph]. Architect of the Capitol.
Hibben, F. (1975). Mosquito Man of the Pottery Mound [photograph]. In “The Kiva Art of the Anasazi at Pottery Mound.” Las Vegas, NV: KC Publications.
Merien, M. (Illustrator). (1628). John Guy’s Encounter with Beothucks [illustration]. Courtesy of the Centre for Newfoundland Studies, Memorial University Library. CNS-I0007.
- Gonzalez, M. & Gonzalez, J. (1698). Fray Bartolomé de Olmedo Christening Indians [illustration]. Madrid, Museum of America. Album/Art Resource, NY.
- (n.d.). The Apostle of the Indies & La Leyenda Negra [digital image]. From the First Illustrated Edition with Plates by De Bry. Dorothy Sloan Rare Books.
- Unknown Engraver. After a drawing by Henry F. Farny (1847-1916), based on a photograph by Cosmos Mindleff (1836-1895), The Snake Dance of the Moqui Indians, 1889, wood engraving, 13 3/4 x 19 3/4 inches. From William M. Edwardy, “The Snake of Dance of the Moqui Indians,” Harper’s Weekly, November 2, 1889, pg. 871. Image courtesy of the New Mexico Museum of Art.
Slideshow–Primary & Secondary Sources:
- (1880). Page of the diary of Adolph Bandelier; diary entry 1 December 1880 [photograph]. Adolph Bandelier Collection (AC 012), Box 1, Folder 1 [AC 012-1-1]. Fray Angélico Chávez History Library.
- Turner, A. (1999). The Girl Who Chased Away Sorrow: The Diary of Sarah Nita, a Navajo Girl, New Mexico, 1864 [book cover]. Cover portrait: Arizona Historical Society, #28449, Phoenix, Arizona; Background Painting: Navajo Nation Museum, Window Rock, Arizona, “Long Walk in Canyon de Chelly” by Robert Draper. New York City, NY: Scholastic, Inc.
- (n.d.). Mercurio Volante con la noticia [photograph]. Courtesy of Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), No. 152671.
- (1878). A.C. Smith Letter, 21 May 1878 Letter, A.C. Smith to Steck [photograph]. CSWR MSS 134 BC, Box 2, Folder 10 from Michael Steck Papers. Center for Southwest Research, University Libraries, University of New Mexico.
- Couse, E.I. (Painter). (n.d.). Kachina Painter [painting]. Courtesy of Virginia Couse Leavitt.
- (1914). Belen News, December 31, 1914 [photograph]. OCLC 26394154, Digital New Mexico Newspapers Collection. Center for Southwest Research, University Libraries, University of New Mexico.
- (1916). Blackfoot Chief, Mountain Chief making a phonographic record at Smithsonian, 2/9/1916 [glass negative]. National Photo Company Collection, Prints & Photographs Division, Library of Congress, LC-DIG-npcc-20061.
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- Bradley, D. (Painter). (n.d.). Pueblo Feast Day [painting]. Courtesy of David Bradley.
- Thomas, R., Knopick, A., & Kari, K. (Bloggers). (n.d.). Learning New Mexico History Through Storytelling [blog].
- (1950). Sons of New Mexico [movie poster]. Autry Qualified Interest Trust and the Autry Foundation.
- VitaliyP. (n.d.). Stack of books [photograph]. Retrieved from Pond5, Image ID 38934909.
Knight, C.R. (Artist). (1897). Mastodon [painting]. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, PD-Art US.
D’Ambrosio, G. (Editor) (n.d.). New Mexico Physiology [map]. New Mexico Bureau of Geology & Mineral Resources.
Slideshow–New Mexico Landscapes:
- Shahan, T. (Photographer). (2011). Desert Landscape – New Mexico [photograph]. Retrieved from Flickr, CC BY 2.0.
- Herrera, D. (Photographer). (2007). Rio Grande and Sangre de Cristos [photograph]. Retrieved from Flickr, CC BY 2.0.
- CibolaLover (Photographer). (2013). Madre Mountain (Datil Mountains) [photograph]. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0.
- Tangney, Jr., D. (Photographer). (2011). Organ Mountains [photograph]. Retrieved from iStock, Image ID 16981243.
- Hogs555 (Photographer). (2012). Sangre de Cristo Mountains [photograph]. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0.
- Pintar, M. (Photographer). (2012). Williams Lake [photograph]. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0.
- Phelan, J. (Photograph). (2012). View of the Rio Grande Valley [photograph]. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, CC BY 3.0.
- Lund, K. (Photographer). (2008). Rio Grande River [photograph] Retrieved from Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0.
Chapter 2
Splash Image: Cornucopia, G.B. (Photographer). (n.d.). Petroglyphs [photograph]. National Park Service.
Brockman, B. (n.d.). Clovis Point [photograph]. Retrieved from iStock, Image ID: 6782152.
Pecos-Sun Rhodes, R. (Artist), Kaveney, W. (Photographer). Storyteller Under Sunny Skies [photograph]. The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0.
(n.d.). Maize Harvest [illustration]. Folio 472 of the Florentine Codex. Bilingual Press.
(n.d.). Mano and Metate [photograph]. Mesa Verde Museum Association.
Magdalena, M.E. (Photographer). (2012). Atlatl demonstration by Archaeologist Jose-Pierre A. Estrada [photograph]. Origins Scientific Research Society.
Proimos, A. (Photographer). (2009). Inside a kiva, Mesa Verde National Park [photograph]. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, CC BY 2.0.
Slideline–Chaco Canyon:
- Haefner, S. (Photographer). (n.d.). Pueblo Bonito [photograph]. Scott Haefner Photography.
- (n.d.). Kiva in Chaco Canyon [photograph]. National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior.
- (n.d.). Pueblo Bonito Rear North Wall [photograph]. National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior.
- (n.d.). Chaco Canyon Roads [photograph]. NASA.
Lorax (Photographer). (2003). Cliff Palace, at Mesa Verde [photograph]. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0.
Cacophony (Photographer). (2009). Canyon de Chelly White House [photograph]. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0.
Slideshow–Examples of Southwest Pottery:
- Doty, A. (n.d.). Corrugated pottery [photograph]. School of American Research, IAF.1930.
- Bowl with rabbit; ceramic (Mimbres black-on-white type); Mimbres people, Mogollon culture, New Mexico (USA), c. AD 1000–1150 [photograph]. Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas, Texas; Foundation of the Arts Collection, anonymous gift; object number 1990.95.FA.
- Haak’u (Acoma Pueblo) (Native American). Water Jar, 1868-1900 [photograph]. Clay, pigment, 11 1/2 x 13 in. (29.2 x 33cm). Brooklyn Museum, Riggs Pueblo Pottery Fund, 02.257.2467. CC BY 3.0.
Rus, J. (Photographer). (2003). Bandelier Houses [photograph]. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 2.0.
Shelton, H. (Artist). (2009). Kachina doll, 1960-1970 [photograph]. Cottonwood root, acrylic pigment, silver discs, yarn, silk ribbon, fur, beads, 20 1/2 x 7 x 8 in. (52.1 x 17.8 x 20.3 cm). Brooklyn Museum, Gift of Edith and Hershel Samuels, 2010.6.8. CC BY 3.0.
Powerofforever (Photographer). (n.d.). Mission Nuestra Señora los Ángeles Porciúncula – Pecos National [photograph]. Retrieved from iStock, Image ID: 23647148.
O’Sullivan, T. (Photographer). (1873). War Chief of the Zuni Indians [stereograph]. War Department, Office of the Chief of Engineers, Office of U.S. Geographical Explorations and Surveys West of the 100th Meridian. National Archives at College Park, ARC 519768.
O’Sullivan, T. (Photographer). (1873). Vegetable gardens surrounding the Indian Pueblo Zuni, New Mexico [stereograph]. War Department, Office of the Chief of Engineers, Office of U.S. Geographical Explorations and Surveys West of the 100th Meridian. National Archives at College Park, ARC 519765.
Transity (Photographer). (2004). Shiprock, NM [photograph]. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0.
Gheyn, J. (Artist). (1608). Musketeer [illustration]. Wapenhandelingen van Roes, Musquetten ende Spiessen. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, PD US.
Chapter 3
Splash Image: (n.d.). The Capture of Tenochtitlán [painting]. Jay I. Kislak Collection, Rare Books and Special Collections Division, Library of Congress (096.00.00).
Ealmagro (Photographer). (2009). Monumento a Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, Houston (Texas) [photograph]. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0.
Estate, J.C. (Artist). (n.d.). Estevanico [photograph].
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Lea, J. (n.d.). Cabeza de Vaca escapes slavery [illustration]. © James D. Lea.
Osmeda, M. (Photographer). (2012). Cathedral–Mosque of Córdoba [photograph]. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, CC BY 2.0.
Geoffray, J. (Photographer). (2009). La Grande Mosquéé [photograph]. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 2.0.
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(c. 1840). Christophe Colomb a la cour d’Isabelle II [lithograph]. Popular Graphic Arts, Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress, LC-USZC4-2919.
(c. 1594). Columbus landing on Hispaniola, Dec. 6, 1492; greeted by Arawak Indians [film negative]. Miscellaneous Items in High Demand, Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress, LC-USZ62-59702.
(n.d.). Hernán Cortés [engraving]. Book of America, R. Cronau. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, PD-Art US.
(c. 1890). Tenochtitlan, Tierra del nopal. Entrada de Hernan Cortes, la cual se verifico el 8 de Noviembre de 1519 [facsimile]. Bancroft Library. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, PD-Art US.
Rodriguez, A. (Painter). (1680). Moctezuma Xocoyotzin [painting]. British Museum. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, PD-US.
(n.d.). Nezahualcoyotl [manuscript]. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, PD-US.
(n.d.) A View of Mexico City From 1572 [manuscript]. John and Mary Osman Braun and Hogenberg Collection, Irvin Department of Rare Books and Special Collections, University of South Carolina Libraries, Columbia, S.C.
(n.d.). The Capture of Tenochtitlán [painting]. Jay I. Kislak Collection, Rare Books and Special Collections Division, Library of Congress (096.00.00).
de Bry, J.T. (Engraver). (1598). Illustrations de Narratio regionum Indicarum per Hispanos quosdam devastattarum [engraving]. Bibliothèque Nationale de France. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, PD-Art US.
Cisneros, J. (n.d.). Fray Marcos de Niza [illustration]. © Jose Cisneros Estate.
Curtis, E.S. (Photographer). (1925). Hawikuh – B [photograph]. Charles Deering McCormick Library of Special Collections, Northwestern University (ct17046).
(1897). Coronado’s March – Colorado [film negative]. Miscellaneous Items in High Demand, Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress, LC-USZ62-37993.
Flint, R. & Cushing Flint, S. (n.d.). Typical expeditionary garb and gear [drawing]. In “Documents of Coronado Expedition,” page 327.
Wolfinbarger, H. (Painter). (1540). Coronado before Hawikuh [painting]. Western History/Genealogy Department, Denver Public Library (C70-1Art).
Blair Clark (photographer). (1996). Spanish colonial morion helmet, Italian style, circa 1600 [photograph]. Courtesy of Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), No. 177904.
Henrie, M. (Photographer). (2013). Acoma Pueblo Aerial View [photograph]. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0.
Wick, B. (Photographer). (2012). El Camino Real de Tierra Adentro NHT [photograph]. Bureau of Land Management, California.
Chapter 4
Splash Image: Lopez, R.J. (Artist). (n.d.). Buffalo Hide Painting – partial view view [photograph]. Courtesy of 505whimsygirl.
Portrait of King Philip II of Spain, c.1531-88 (oil on paper, laid on panel), Sanchez Coello, Alonso (c.1531-88) (studio of) / Private Collection / Photo © Philip Mould Ltd, London / Bridgeman Images.
(1583). New Mexico: The Voyage of Anthony of Espejo [cover]. From The Spanish Southwest, 1542-1794; an annotated bibliography by Henry R. Wagner. Haithi Trust Digital Library.
Gheeraerts the Younger, M. (Artist). (1591). Sir Francis Drake wearing the Drake Jewel or Drake Pendant at his waist [photograph]. Currently located at the National Maritime Museum.
Advanced Source Productions (2006). New Mexico San Juan Pueblo Don Juan de Onate/First Governor of New Spain [photograph]. Retrieved from Flickr, CC BY 2.0.
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Lund, K. (Photographer). (2010). 1605 Oñate Inscription, El Morro National Monument, New Mexico [photograph]. Retrieved from Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0.
Emerzian, G. (Photographer). (2014). Cuarto Centenario statue [photograph]. Albuquerque Museum of Art, Albuquerque, NM.
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Cioffi, M. (Photographer). (n.d.). Governor Pedro de Peralta [statue]. Grant Avenue, Santa Fe, New Mexico.
(1681). Recopilacion de leyes de los reynos de las indias: tomo tercero [cover]. Biblioteca Nacional de Chile.
Valdez, A. (Photographer). (2010). La Bajada Community Ditch [photograph]. Acequias of New Mexico.
World Imaging (Photographer). (1770). Español Man and Indian Woman: Mestizo [painting]. Maison de l’Amerique Latine. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, PD-Art US.
Kabotie, F.N. (Artist). (1976). 1680 Pueblo Revolt at Hopi [painting]. Cat. No. 54019/13. Museum of Indian Arts & Culture. Laboratory of Anthropology, Santa Fe.
Lopez, R.J. (Artist). (n.d.). Buffalo Hide Painting – full view [photograph]. Courtesy of 505whimsygirl.
Lopez, R.J. (Artist). (n.d.). Buffalo Hide Painting – partial view view [photograph]. Courtesy of 505whimsygirl.
Jackson, E. (1951). Apache raid on settlement [illustration]. Tumacácori’s Yesterdays. Southwest Monuments Association.
Sims, J. (Photographer). (n.d.). Po’pay statue at the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center [photograph]. Indian Pueblo Cultural Center.
Thelis (Photographer). (1954). Mission church at Tesuque Pueblo, New Mexico [photograph]. Courtesy of Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), No. 039398.
Schmader, M. (n.d.). 16th century metal artifacts from the Vázquez de Coronado expedition, Piedras Marcadas pueblo, New Mexico [photograph]. Open Space Division, City of Albuquerque.
Chapter 5
Splash Image: Magdalena, M.E. and J. Lujan. (2014). La Conquistadora; La Entrada de Diego de Vargas at Santa Fe, New Mexico [photograph]. Central New Mexico Community College.
Lamsa, L. (Photographer). (2014). Los Matachines [photograph]. Ohkay Owingeh Pueblo – Christmas Eve. Retrieved from Flickr, CC BY 2.0.
Vauducourt, A. (Artist). (c. 1850). Guadalupe Mission [painting]. United States Department of the Interior. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, PD US.
Alzate y Ramírez, J.A. (Artist). (1768). Nueva Mapa Geographico de la America Septentrional [map]. University of Texas at Austin.
Lumholtz, C.S. (Photographer). (1892). Dos varones tarahumaras [photograph]. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, PD US.
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Sims, J. (Photographer). (n.d.). Po’pay statue at the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center [photograph]. Indian Pueblo Cultural Center.
Lea, J. (n.d.). Diego de Vargas Zapata Lujan Ponce de Leon [illustration]. © James D. Lea.
Fagerberg, A. (Photographer). (1921). Santa Fe Fiesta, “De Vargas Day”, Santa Fe, New Mexico, ceremonies as they occurred in 1693 [photograph]. Panoramic Photographs, Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress, LC-USZ62-133424.
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Cabrera, M. (Artist). (c. 1760). Doña María de la Luz Padilla y Gómez de Cervantes [photograph]. OIl on canvas, 43 x 33 in. (109.2 x 83.8 cm). Brooklyn Museum, Museum Collection Fund and the Dick S. Ramsay Fund, 52.166.4.
Russell, C.M. (Artist). (c. 1914). Four Mounted Indians [painting]. The Athanaeum.
Chapter 6
Splash Image: Lee, A.T. (Artist). (1849). Comanche Lookout [painting]. Rochester Historical Society, New York.
Parkhurst, T.H. (Photographer). (c. 1920). Abiquiu, New Mexico [photograph]. Courtesy of Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), No. 013695.
Lovell, T. (Artist). (n.d.). Trading at the Pecos Pueblo [painting]. Permanently on display at Permian Basin Petroleum Museum, Library and Hall of Fame of Midland, Texas. Licensed by the Greenwich Workshop, Inc.
(c. 1850). Jacques Cartier, his first interview with the Indians at Hochelaga now Montreal in 1535 [illustration]. Popular Graphic Arts, Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress, LC-DIG-pga-02616.
Ward, A.W., G.W. Prothero, S.M. Leathes, and E.A. Benians (Editors). (1912). European Colonisation in North America to 1700, Map 66 [map]. The Cambridge Modern History Atlas. London: Cambridge University Press. Perry-Catañeda Library Map Collection, University of Texas Libraries, The University of Texas at Austin.
Brickdale, E.F. (Artist). (before 1927). L’arrivée des Filles du Roi [painting]. Library and Archives Canada, Acc. mo. 1996-371-1.
Catlin, G. (Artist). (1847/1848). La Salle’s Party Entering the Mississippi in Canoes, February 6, 1682 [painting]. Paul Mellon Collection, National Gallery of Art, Washington.
Rigaud, H. (Artist). (c. 1915). Louis XIV at 63, full-length portrait, standing, facing left [photomechanical print]. Miscellaneous Items in High Demand, Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress, LC-USZC4-2032.
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PhilFree (2006). José de Gálvez [illustration]. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, PD US.
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Left Hook. (Artist). (2006). Comancheria [map]. Based on Reynold’s Political Map of the United States (1856), Geography and Map Division, Library of Congress, g3701e ct000604. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, PD.
Lussier, B. (Photographer). (2007). Pikes Peak mountain [photograph]. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, PD.
(n.d.). The Spanish General Bernardo de Gálvez [painting]. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, PD US.
Slideshow–Santero Artistry
- Light, C. (Photographer). (2010). Basilica Screen at St. Francis, Santa Fe, New Mexico [photograph]. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0.
- Aragon, J.R. (Artist). (n.d.). San Ignacio de Loyola, Santo [retablo]. Painted wood, 16 5/16 x 16 15/16 in. (41.5 x 43 cm). 1980.0121.0000. The Harwood Museum, gift of Mabel Dodge Luhan.
- Anonymous (Artist). (n.d.). Jesus of Nazareth (Hispanic), Santo [bulto]. Painted wood, 27 15/16 in. (71 cm). 1980.0203.0000. The Harwood Museum, gift of Mabel Dodge Luhan.
(n.d.). A Gathering of the Penitentes [illustration]. E. Boyd Photographic Collection, New Mexico State Records Center and Archives, Image No. 35940.
Martin, M. (Photographer). (2009). El Santuario de Chimayo [photograph] Retrieved from Flickr, CC BY-ND 2.0.
Chapter 7
Splash Image: McCarthy, F. (Artist). (n.d.). First Light [painting]. Licensed by the Greenwich Workshop, Inc.
(1845). Scene of the Battle of Vertières during the Haitian Revolution [engraving]. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, PD US.
(n.d.). Lewis and Clark Bicentennial [map]. National Geodetic Survey and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
Remington, F. (Artist). (n.d.). Zebulon Pike Entering Santa Fe [painting]. Private Collection/Bridgeman Images.
Miranda, P. (Artist). (1860). Agustin de Iturbide [painting]. Oil on canvas. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, PD US.
Fabres, A. (Artist). (c. 1854-1938). Miguel Hidalgo [painting]. Oil on canvas. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, PD US.
(1880). José María Morelos [painting]. From “México a través de los siglos, Tomo 3: La guerra de independencia” by V.R. Palacio and J. Zárate. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, PD US.
Sagredo, R. (Artist). (c. 1865). Vicente Guerrero [painting]. From “La pintura militar de México en el siglo XIX” by E. Báez, Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional (México: 1992), p. 46. Digitized by the Instituto Nacional de Estudios Históricos de las Revoluciones de México. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, PD US.
Paris, C. (Artist). (n.d.). Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna [painting]. Oil on canvas. Museo de la Ciudad de México. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, PD US.
(c. 1793-1853). Manuel Armijo [painting]. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, PD US.
(1867). Padre Martinez [photograph]. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, PD US.
(c. 1844). Arrival of the caravan at Santa Fe [lithograph]. Courtesy of Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), No. 045011.
Boyle, F.T.L. (Artist). (c. 1861). Thomas Hart Benton [painting]. Oil on canvas. Retrieved from Flickr, CC BY 2.0.
Albright Art Parlors. (c. 1880-1882). Donaciano Vigil, Governor of New Mexico 1847-48 [illustration]. Courtesy of Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), No. 011405.
Brown, W.H. (Photographer). (c. 1870). Archbishop Jean B. Lamy, Santa Fe, New Mexico [photograph]. Courtesy of Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), No. 009970.
(1871). Comanche Buffalo hunters and their tepee lodges [photograph]. War Department, National Archives at College Park, ARC 533056.
McCarthy, F. (Artist). (n.d.). First Light [painting]. Licensed by the Greenwich Workshop, Inc.
Curtis, E.S. (Photographer). (c. 1904). Navajo riders in Canyon de Chelly [photograph]. Curtis (Edward S.) Collection, Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress, LC-USZC4-11256.
(n.d.). Stephen F. Austin [painting]. The State Preservation Board, Austin, Texas.
(1847). Disturnell Map, Mexico in 1847 [map]. General Records of the U.S. Government, RG 11. Library of Congress.
Chapter 8
Splash Image: Gast, J. (Artist). (1872). Spirit of the Frontier [painting]. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, PD US.
(n.d.). The Battle of San Jacinto [painting]. The State Preservation Board, Austin, Texas.
Globalearth. (2009). Navarro Portrait [photograph]. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, PD US.
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(n.d.) Thomas Oliver Larkin, 1802-1858 [photograph]. The New York Public Library, 1552906.
Gast, J. (Artist). (1872). Spirit of the Frontier [painting]. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, PD US.
Brady, M.B. (Photographer). (1849). James Knox Polk [daguerreotype]. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, PD US.
Mexicanec. (2012). General P. Ampudia [photograph]. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, PD US.
(c. 1855-1865). Grant [photograph]. Brady-Handy Collection, Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress, LC-DIG-cwpbh-00971.
Shepherd, N.H. (Photographer). (1846). Abraham Lincoln [daguerreotype]. Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress, LC-USZ62-4377. Retouch retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, PD US.
Welch, Y.B. (Artist) and Peter A. Juley & Son (Photographers). (n.d.). Brigadier-General Stephen W. Kearny [engraving]. Published in “The Beginnings of San Francisco” by Z.S. Eldredge (San Francisco: 1912). Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, PD US.
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(c. 1846-1847). Governor of New Mexico Charles Bent [painting]. Courtesy of Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), No. 007004.
(c. 1881). Miguel A. Otero Sr., Territorial Governor of New Mexico 1897-1906 [illustration]. Courtesy of Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), No. 152218.
(c. 1860-1870). Sterling Price, C.S.A. [illustration]. Civil War Glass Negatives and Related Prints, Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress, LC-DIG-cwpb-07527.
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(n.d.). Friar Ramon Ortiz [photograph]. Basilica of San Albino.
Chapter 9
Splash Image: Howling Wolf (Artist). (c. 1875). Depiction of the Sand Creek Massacre [illustration]. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, PD-Art US.
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Lilienthal, T. (Photographer). (c. 1860-1865). Portrait of Major General Edward R. S. Canby, officer of the Federal Army [photograph]. Civil War, Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress, LC-DIG-cwpb-07417.
(c. 1860-1870). Henry Hopkins Sibley [photograph]. Civil War, Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress, LC-DIG-cwpb-05993.
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Smiley History of Denver. (n.d.). John Milton Chivington [photograph]. The Denver Public Library, Western History Collection, Z-128.
Howling Wolf (Artist). (c. 1875). Depiction of the Sand Creek Massacre [illustration]. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, PD-Art US.
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Wimar, C.F. (Artist). (c. 1870). Barboncito, Chief of the Navajo Tribe [photograph]. Saint Louis Art Museum, Museum Purchase, E5426.46.
Wittick, B. (Creator) and R.W. Russell (Photographer). (1882). San Juan, Mescalero Apache Chief [photograph]. Courtesy of Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), No. 015893.
(c. 1864). Navajos under guard at Fort Sumner [photograph]. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, PD US.
(1866). Group of soldiers and Indians gathered in street, Fort Sumner, New Mexico [photograph]. Courtesy of Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), No. 001817.
Brady, M. (Photographer). (ca. 1860-1865). Gen. William T. Sherman [photograph]. War Department, Office of the Chief Signal Officer, National Archives at College Park, ARC 525970.
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Wittick, B. (Photographer). (c. 1880-1882). Palace of the Governors, Santa Fe, New Mexico [photograph]. Courtesy of Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), No. 015376.
Harris, G.W. and M. Ewing (Photographers). (1911). Catron, Thomas Benton. Delegate from New Mexico, 1885-1897; Senator, 1912-1917 [photograph]. Harris & Ewing, Inc. Harris & Ewing Collection, Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress, LC-DIG-hec-00737.
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Frasher. (n.d.). Main Street of Lincoln, New Mexico showing Watson house, site of burned McSween house and Tunstall Store [photograph]. Courtesy of Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), No. 105473.
(1872). William J. Brady [photograph]. University of Arizona Library. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, PD US.
Wittick, B. (Photographer). (c. 1845-1903). Billy the Kid [tintype]. Retouched by Hydrargyrum. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, PD US.
(n.d.). Pat Garrett [photograph]. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, PD US.
(c. 1876). Susan E. (Homer) McSween, wife of Alexander McSween, Lincoln, New Mexico [photograph]. Courtesy of Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), No. 105450.
Chapter 10
Splash Image: Ross, G. (Artots). (1911). See America First [illustration]. N.Y.: Published by Keppler & Schwarzmann. Miscellaneous Items in High Demand, Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress, LC-DIG-ppmsca-27745.
The Century Magazine. (1880). Illustration of Mimbreno Apache chief Mangas Coloradas [illustration]. Courtesy of Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), No. 133701.
(c. 1860-1900). Dr. Michael Steck [photograph]. Center for Southwest Research, University Libraries, University of New Mexico.
Wittick, G.B. and A.F. Randall (Creators). (1880). Portrait of Victorio [photoprint]. National Anthropological Archives, Smithsonian Institution [NAA INV 02040900].
de Thulstrup, T. (Artist). (1885). A new cavalry drill in the United States Army [illustration]. Miscellaneous Items in High Demand, Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress, LC-USZ62-97955.
Slideline – Harper’s Weekly on the Apache War
- Remington, F. (Artist). (1886). The Apache war–Indian scouts on Geronimo’s Trail [illustration]. On the cover of Harper’s Weekly, 1886 Jan. 9, and on page 17. Miscellaneous Items in High Demand, Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress, LC-USZ62-97958.
- Fly, C.S. (Artist). (1886). Closing scenes of the Apache War [illustration]. In Harper’s Weekly, 1886 Apr. 24, page 257. Miscellaneous Items in High Demand, Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress, LC-USZ62-97958.
Wittick, B. (Photographer). (1882). Our party at Zuni, N.M. Sept. 14th ’82 [photograph]. Miscellaneous Items in High Demand, Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress, LC-USZ62-129069.
(c. 1885-1890). The first San Albino Catholic Church (built in 1852) under restoration, Mesilla, New Mexico [photograph]. Courtesy of Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), No. 122144.
Beck, W.H. (Artist). (1880). Map of Scouting Expeditions from camps at the Chinati Mountains from January 12th to May 12th 1880 [map]. Courtesy of Special Collections, The University of Texas at Arlington Library, Arlington, Texas.
(1890). Buffalo soldiers of the 25th Infantry, some wearing buffalo robes, Ft. Keogh, Montana [photograph]. Gladstone Collection of Native American Photographs, Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress, LC-DIG-ppmsca-11406.
Bennett, P. (n.d.). Clinton Greaves Statue [photograph]. Used with permission.
(n.d.). Joaquín Terrazas [photograph]. Retrieved from Municipio de Chihuahua, PD.
D’Andrea, J.M. (n.d.). Colonel Grierson’s letter [photograph]. War Department Records.
Slideshow – Native American Leaders
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- (1886). Nana (Nanay), a Chiricahua Apache subchief [photograph]. Department of Defense, Department of the Army, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations, U.S. Army Audiovisual Center, National Archives at College Park, ARC 530800.
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(c. 1886). Geronimo [photograph]. Miscellaneous Items in High Demand, Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress, LC-USZ62-36613.
(n.d.). Large group portrait of Indians [photograph]. Rare Books and Special Collections, Princeton Archives, WC064.
Wittick, B. (Photographer). (1880). “Editorial Party” for the arrival of Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad, Albuquerque, New Mexico [photograph]. Courtesy of Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), No. 143091.
(1891). An Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Route Map [map]. From Grain Dealers and Shippers Gazetteer. Retrieved from Memorial Library, PD.
(c. 1902). Selling pottery at Pueblo of Laguna, N.M. [photograph]. Miscellaneous Items in High Demand, Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress, LC-USZ62-47842.
Ross, G. (Artots). (1911). See America First [illustration]. N.Y.: Published by Keppler & Schwarzmann. Miscellaneous Items in High Demand, Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress, LC-DIG-ppmsca-27745.
Taber, I.W. (Photographer). (1880). Portrait of Fred Harvey, San Francisco, California [photograph]. Courtesy of Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), No. HP.2011.1. 6.
Slideshow – Fred Harvey’s Attractions
- (c. 1890-1910). Entrance to Indian Building, Albuquerque, New Mexico [photograph]. Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress, LC-USZ62-97656.
- Parkhurst, T.H. (Artist). La Fonda Hotel at the End of the Santa Fe Trail, Santa Fe, New Mexico [illustration]. Courtesy of Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), No. 178049.
- Harvey, F. (Artist). (c. 1905-1907). The Lobby, Hotel El Ortiz, Lamy, New Mexico [illustration]. Courtesy of Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), No. 056203.
- (c. 1915). Hopi House at El Tovar, Grand Canyon, Arizona [illustration]. Courtesy of Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), No. LS. 1462.
Emerzian, G. (Photographer). (1920). American Indians: First Families of the Southwest [cover]. Published by Fred Harvey, Kansas City.
(n.d.). Five Harvey Girls [photograph]. Cline Library, Special Collections & Archives Department, No. 132494.
Parkhurst, T.H. (c. 1926-1928). Indian Detours personnel group photo, with Harvey cars lined up in front of the Palace of the Governors, Santa Fe, New Mexico [photograph]. Courtesy of Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), No. 053568.
(c. 1865-1880). Prince, Hon. L. Bradford, author. [photograph]. Brady-Handy Collection, Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress, LC-DIG-cwpbh-04417.
Ragan, G.C. (Photographer). (c. 1900). Eusebio Chacon [photograph]. Courtesy of Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), No. 050356.
Dinwiddie, W. (Photographer). (1898). Colonel Roosevelt and his Rough Riders at the top of the hill which they captures, Battle of San Juan [photograph]. Miscellaneous Items in High Demand, Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress, LC-USZ62-7934.
Emerzian, G. (Photographer). (c. 1898). Captain Maximiliano Luna, U.S. Volunteer Calvary [photograph]. Center for Southwest Research, University Libraries, University of New Mexico.
Chapter 11
Splash Image: García, E. (Artist). (2005). Las Gorras Blancas [lithograph]. Tamarind Institute.
Albuquerque Museum Photoarchives. (2008). Elfego Baca [photograph]. The Albuquerque Museum of Art and History, PA1978.153.869, gift of Channell Graham. Retrieved from Flickr, CC BY 2.0.
(n.d.). Settlers Taking the Law into Their Own Hands [photograph]. Nebraska State Historical Society, NBHIPS 12299.
Siringo, C.A. (Author). (1912). Las Gorras Blancas – Juan Jose, Pablo and Nicanor Herrara from San Miguel County [photograph]. W.B. Conkey Company.
(n.d.). Map of Territory of New Mexico [map]. Fray Angélico Chávez History Library, 78.9 1873a.
García, E. (Artist). (2005). Las Gorras Blancas [lithograph]. Tamarind Institute.
(c. 1890-1900). Children probably from North Public School, Las Vegas, New Mexico [photograph]. Courtesy of Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), No. 070248.
Cobb, W.H. (Photographer). (c. 1885-1900). Indian School, Albuquerque, New Mexico [photograph]. Courtesy of Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), No. 136390.
Choate, J.H. (Photographer). (1886). “Chiricahua Apaches as they arrived at Carlisle from Fort Marion, Florida, November 4th., 1886”, Carlisle Indian School, Pennsylvania [photograph]. Courtesy of Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), No. 002113.
Choate, J.H. (Photographer). (1886). “Chiricahua Apaches Four Months After Arriving at Carlisle”, Carlisle Indian School, Pennsylvania [photograph]. Courtesy of Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), No. 002112.
Charles F. Lummis (photographer). (c. 1910-1920). Amado Chaves and his daughter at their home near Santa Fe, New Mexico [photograph]. Courtesy of Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), No. 065718.
(c. 1925). A Sunday school class at Blackdom Baptist Church [photograph]. Historical Society for Southeastern New Mexico.
(n.d.). David Profitt house, a typical house in Blackdom, New Mexico [photograph]. Historical Society for Southeastern New Mexico.
Chapter 12
Splash Image: Harris, G.W. and M. Ewing (Photographers). (1912). United States President William H. Taft signing New Mexico statehood bill, Washington, DC January 6, 1912 [photograph]. Courtesy of Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), No. 089760.
Bain News Service. (n.d.). Pancho Villa & Staff [photograph]. Bain Collection, Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress, LC-DIG-ggbain-29882.
(1916). Untitled [I’ve Had About Enough of This] [photograph]. U.S. Senate, Office of the Senate Curator, National Archives at College Park, ARC 306154.
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Bain News Service. (c. 1915-1920). Gen. J.J. Pershing [photograph]. Bain Collection, Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress, LC-DIG-ggbain-21134.
(1916). In Camp near San Antonio, Mexico, with the 6th Infantry. Carranzistas and United States troops. Carranzistas went through here on their way to different points along the railroad in search of Villa and his men [photograph]. War Department, The Adjutant General’s Office, National Archives at College Park, ARC 523006.
Albright Art Parlors (Photographer). (c. 1889-1890). New Mexico Territorial Governor Edmund G. Ross [photograph]. Courtesy of Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), No. 049523.
Evans (Photographer). (c. 1880). Anthony (Antonio) Joseph, New Mexico Territorial Delegate [photograph]. Courtesy of Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), No. 009915.
(c. 1897). Jose D. Sena, Clerk of the New Mexico Supreme Court [photograph]. Courtesy of Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), No. 050461.
Johnston, F.B. (Photographer). (1900). Albert Jeremiah Beveridge, 1862-1927 [photograph]. Johnston (Frances Benjamin) Collection, Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress, LC-USZ62-61460.
(1910). L.B. Prince delivering address on Statehood with Luis Armijo interpreting, Las Vegas, New Mexico [photograph]. Courtesy of Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), No. 158257.
(1899). Marcus A. Smith [photograph]. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, PD US.
Underwood & Underwood (Photographer). (1903). Greeting President Theodore Roosevelt in Albuquerque, New Mexico during appeals for statehood [photograph]. Courtesy of Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), No. 133280.
(c. 1906-1907). Political cartoon of Governor Herbert J. Hagerman from the Las Vegas Optic, New Mexico [illustration]. Courtesy of Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), No. 002309.
Walton, W. (Photographer). (1910). New Mexico State Constitutional Convention, Santa Fe, New Mexico [photograph]. Courtesy of Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), No. 008119.
Harris, G.W. and M. Ewing (Photographers). (1912). United States President William H. Taft signing New Mexico statehood bill, Washington, DC January 6, 1912 [photograph]. Courtesy of Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), No. 089760.
Coffin, G.Y. (Artist). (c. 1880-1900). In cruel suspense : me go-ee or me stay-ee? me no sabee [drawing]. Cartoon Drawings, Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress, LC-USZ62-27675.
(c. 1911). Henry Lane Wilson, three quarter length portrait, standing [photograph]. Bain Collection, Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress, LC-USZ62-36670.
(1911). Rebels with a homemade cannon during the Mexican Revolution [photograph]. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, PD US.
(c. 1915). Governor William McDonald (1912-1917) in his State Capitol office, Santa Fe, New Mexico [photograph]. Courtesy of Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), No. 152652.
Runyon, R. (Photographer). (1914). Pancho Villa, Alvaro Obregon and John J. Pershing, August 27, 1914 [photograph]. The Robert Runyon Photograph Collection [00196], The Center for American History and General Libraries, University of Texas at Austin.
U.S. Department of War. (n.d.). Colonel Frank Tompkins [photograph]. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, PD.
Roberts, W.H. (Photographer). (1917). Boys leaving for training camp (New Mexico National Guard?), Palace Avenue near Sena Plaza, Santa Fe, New Mexico, World War I and Border War era [photograph]. Courtesy of Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), No. 149995.
(1919). La voz del pueblo. Santa Fe, Nuevo México, 26 April 1919 [newspaper]. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Library of Congress.
Barryman, C.K. (Artist). (1917). Hand carving up a map of the Southwestern United States [drawing]. Cartoon Drawings, Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress, LC-USZC4-13594.
(c. 1919). Octaviano A. Larrazolo, who was elected governor of New Mexico in 1918 and served in the U.S. Senare 1928-29 [photograph]. Miscellaneous Items in High Demand, Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress, LC-USZ62-35465.
(1928). Jesuita Perrault when campaigning for New Mexico Secretary of State [photograph]. Courtesy of Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), No. HP.2010.42.2.
Chapter 13
Splash Image: (1932). Mexicans returning home by train [photograph]. Herald-Examiner Collection, Los Angeles Public Library, No. 00084083.
Rusinow, I. (Photographer). (c. 1922-1947). El Cerrito, San Miguel County, New Mexico. The WPA road gangs employ men from all the villages. In … [photograph]. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Economics, Division of Economic Information, National Archives at College Park, ARC 521236.
Goldensky, E. (Photographer). (1933). Franklin Delano Roosevelt, head-and-shoulders portrait, slightly facing left [photograph]. Miscellaneous Items in High Demand, Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress, LC-USZ62-117121.
(1932). Mexicans returning home by train [photograph]. Herald-Examiner Collection, Los Angeles Public Library, No. 00084083.
(c. 1920). American Coal Company plant, Gallup, New Mexico [photograph]. Courtesy of Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), No. 089521.
(c. 1917). Museum of Fine Arts under construction, Santa Fe, New Mexico [photograph]. Courtesy of Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), No. 006711.
Van Vechten, C. (Photographer). (1934). Portrait of Mabel Dodge Luhan [photograph]. Van Vechten Collection, Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress, LC-USZ62-106861.
Lord, C.E. (Photographer). (1932). Taos Society of Artists, Taos, New Mexico [photograph]. Courtesy of Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), No. 028817.
(c. 1926-1930). Albert Looking Elk Martinez (?) painting at Taos Pueblo, New Mexico [photograph]. Courtesy of Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), No. 134744.
Parkhurst, T.H. (Photographer). (c. 1925-1945). John Collier hanging in effigy as seen from the portal Palace of the Governors, corner of Lincoln and Palace Avenues, Santa Fe, New Mexico [photograph]. Courtesy of Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), No. 118455.
Lummis, C.F. (Photographer). (c. 1900). Mary Hunter Austin [photograph]. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, PD US.
(1933). Appointed Indian affairs commissioner [photograph]. Miscellaneous Items in High Demand, Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress, LC-USZ62-111222.
(c. 1920). Frank G. Applegate [photograph]. Courtesy of Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), No. 185034.
Northup, S. (Photographer). (1959). Children watching construction of Zozobra (Old Man Gloom), Santa Fe Fiesta, New Mexico [photograph]. Courtesy of Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), No. 010909.
Frasher (Photographer). (c. 1930). Spinning Wool into Yarn to be used in Navajo Indian Rug Weaving [photograph]. Courtesy of Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), No. 074988.
(1898). Edgar L. Hewett [photograph]. Courtesy of Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), No. 007324.
Lange, D. (Photographer). (1936). Part of an impoverished family of nine on a New Mexico highway… [photograph]. Farm Security Administration – Office of War Information Photograph Collection, Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress, LC-USZ62-130926.
(n.d.). Dennis Chavez, 1882-1962 [photograph]. Miscellaneous Items in High Demand, Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress, LC-USZ62-72745.
(1940). CCC Camp 3 & 83 Carlsbad Project, New Mexico: Photo of a large number of enrollees working in lining a canal [photograph]. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Civilian Corps Division, National Archives at College Park, ARC 293500.
(c. 1920). “Big Cut” on road between Santa Fe and Albuquerque, New Mexico [photograph]. Courtesy of Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), No. 155221.
Lee, R. (Photographer). (1939). WPA (Works Progress Administration/Work Projects Administration) supervisor instructing Spanish-American woman in weaving a rag rug. WPA project. Costilla, New Mexico [photograph]. Farm Security Administration/Office of War Information Black-and-White Negatives, Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress, LC-USF34-034270-D.
University of New Mexico Press. (c. 1987). Conchas Dam, a corps of engineers flood prevention project also used for supplying water for irrigation to the Arch Hurley Conservancy District [photograph]. Miscellaneous Items in High Demand, Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress, LC-DIG-ppmsc-17703.
Mullarky, W.T. (Photographer). (c. 1930). Navajo Indians [photograph]. Courtesy of Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), No. 075000.
Lange, D. (Photographer). (1935). A new start. Bosque Farms project, New Mexico [photograph]. Farm Security Administration/Office of War Information Black-and-White Negatives, Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress, LC-USF34-001642-E.
(1935). Secretary of Interior Harold Ickes handing first constitution issues under the Indian Reorganization Act to delegates of the Confederated Tribes of the Flathead Indian Reservation [photograph]. Miscellaneous Items in High Demand, Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress, LC-USZ62-115958.
Carpenter, W.J. (Photographer). (1915). The Indian Shepherd [photograph]. Miscellaneous Items in High Demand, Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress, LC-USZ62-63331.
Lee, R. (Photographer). (1940). Gullies spreading in overgrazed pasture in the mountains of Bernalillo County, New Mexico [photograph]. Farm Security Administration/Office of War Information Black-and-White Negatives, Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress, LC-USF34-035786-D.
(c. 1930-1938). Navajos raise the sheep which supply wool from which they weave blankets and rugs. Southern Navajo Agency, 1933, ca. 1930-1938 [photograph]. Department of the Interior, Office of Indian Affairs, Salt Lake City Extension and Credit Office, National Archives at College Park, ARC 298579.
Chapter 14
Splash Image: Aeby, J. (Photographer). (1945). Trinity Test [photograph]. Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Materialscientist. (2010). Richard Feynman and Robert Oppenheimer [photograph]. Los Alamos National Laboratory. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, PD.
(n.d.). Housing [photograph]. Los Alamos National Laboratory. Retrieved from Flickr.
(n.d.). Are your drawers closed? Manhattan Project security poster [illustration]. Los Alamos National Laboratory. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, PD.
(c. 1940). 4825th TG B-50 at Kirtland Field Bomb Loading Pit [photograph]. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, USGOV-PD.
Slideline – Manzanar Relocation Center
- Adams, A. (Photographer). (1943). High school recess period, Manzanar Relocation Center, California [photograph]. Manzanar War Relocation Center, Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress, LC-DIG-ppprs-00338.
- Adams, A. (Photographer). (1943). People leaving Buddhist church, winter, Manzanar Relocation Center, California [photograph]. Manzanar War Relocation Center, Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress, LC-DIG-ppprs-00358.
(1945). Gen. Douglas Macarthur [photographs]. Miscellaneous Items in High Demand, Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress, LC-USZ62-210027.
(1927-1981). The March of Death. Along the March [on which] these prisoners were photographed, they have their hands tied behind their backs. The March of Death was about May 1942, from Bataan to Cabanatuan, the prison camp., 1927-1981 [photograph]. Department of Defense, Department of the Navy, U.S. Marine Corps. National Archives at College Park, ARC 532548.
(1944). Navajo Indian communication men with the Marines on Saipan landed with the first assault waves to his the beach [photograph]. Department of Defense, Department of the Navy, U.S. Marine Corps. National Archives at College Park, ARC 532526.
Szarka (Photographer). (1944). Navajo Code Talkers 83734 [photograph]. United States Marine Corps History Division, U.S. Marine Corps, U.S. Department of Defense.
(n.d.). Reactor Team from University of Chicago [photograph]. U.S. Department of Energy, Los Alamos National Laboratory. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, PD.
Slideshow – Physicists of the Manhattan Project
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- (n.d.). Los Alamos wartime badge photo: Edward Teller [photograph]. U.S. Department of Energy, Los Alamos National Laboratory. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, PD.
- Schmutzer, F. (Photographer). (1921). Albert Einstein during a lecture in Vienna [photograph]. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, PD US.
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Shapiro, M. (Photographer). (1913). Stagg Field (old) [photograph]. University of Chicago Photographic Archive [apf2-07646], Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library.
Argonne National Laboratory (Photographer). (1942). Atomic Pile [photograph]. University of Chicago Photographic Archive [apf2-00502], Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library.
(n.d.). General Leslie Groves [photograph]. U.S. Department of Energy. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, PD.
(1944). J. Robert Oppenheimer [photograph]. U.S. Department of Energy. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, PD.
Parkhurst, T.H. (Photographer). (c. 1925-1942). “Boys Dorm”, Los Alamos Ranch School, Los Alamos, New Mexico [photograph]. Courtesy of Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), No. 001318.
(n.d.). Los Alamos Site Map [illustration]. Department of Defense, Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory (Photographer). (c. 1940-1960). Dorothy McKibbin, 109 East Palace, Santa Fe, New Mexico [photographer]. Courtesy of Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), No. 030187.
(1951). U.S. vs Julius & Ethel Rosenberg and Martin Sobell, Government Exhibit 12, Photograph of Klaus Fuchs [photograph]. Department of Justice, National Archives at College Park, ARC 278757.
(1945). Trinity Test – Installation of Jumbo prior to the test [photograph]. Department of Energy, National Archives at College Park, ARC 558570.
(1945). L to R: British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, President Harry S. Truman, and Soviet leader Josef Stalin in the garden of Cecilienhof Palace before meeting for the Potsdam Conference in Potsdam, Germany [photograph]. Harry S. Truman Library, ARC 198958.
Aeby, J. (Photographer). (1945). Trinity Test [photograph]. Los Alamos National Laboratory.
(c. 1941-1945). “Back ‘em up. Buy extra bonds” [photograph]. Office for Emergency Management, Office of War Information, National Archives at College Park, ARC 513924.
Truman, H.S. (Author). (1963). Letter from Harry S. Truman to Irv Kupcinet (unsent) [photograph]. Harry S. Truman Library, ARC 201504.
Levy, C. (Photographer). (1945). Atomic Cloud Rising Over Nagasaki, Japan [photograph]. Office for Emergency Management. Office of War Information, National Archives at College Park, ARC 535795.
(1945). Nagasaki 1945 – before and after [photograph]. Atomic Energy Commission, U.S. National Archives, RG 77-MDH.
(1945). Effects of atomic heat and radiation on humans, Japan [photograph]. Department of Defense, National Archives at Kansas City, ARC 292634.
(n.d.). New Mexican [photograph]. Los Alamos National Laboratory. Retrieved from Flickr.
(n.d.). 1943 Badge montage [photograph]. Los Alamos National Laboratory. Retrieved from Flickr.
(c. 1948). Artist Maria Martinez with physicist Enrico Fermi [photograph]. U.S. Department of Energy. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons, PD.
Crooks, B. (Photographer). (c. 1950). Aerial view of Los Alamos, New Mexico looking east along Sandia Drive [photograph]. Courtesy of Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), No. 055375.
(n.d.). Los Alamos Main Gate [photograph]. Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Walter, H.D. (Photographer). (c. 1947-1950). Men admiring Los Alamos County nuclear poster, Los Alamos, New Mexico [photograph]. Courtesy of Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), No. 053110.
(n.d.). Pueblo Canyon, New Mexico aka Acid Site [map]. U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Legacy Management.
(n.d.). LANL Laces [photograph]. Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Chapter 15
Splash Image: Nabokov, P. (Photographer). (c. 1967-1968). Down with Federal Anarchy [photograph]. Center for Southwest Research, University Libraries, University of New Mexico.
Bralley, M. (Photographer). (1970). Kent State March [photograph]. Mark G. Bralley Photography.
Brink, S. (Photographer). (1988). Sansi Coonan and daughter Molly listen to speeches honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. at Santa Fe Plaza. In background, Santa Fe Indian School teacher Diana Saiz holds placard [photograph]. Courtesy of Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), No. HP.2014.14.748.
Nabokov, P. (Photographer). (c. 1967-1968). Office of Alianza Federal de Mercedes [photograph]. Center for Southwest Research, University Libraries, University of New Mexico.
(1962). Nation Farm Workers Association (NFWA): Founding Convention: the founding convention of the National Farm Workers Association, Fresno, California [photograph]. Walter P. Reuther Library, Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs, Wayne State University.
Nabokov, P. (Photographer). (c. 1967-1968). Tijerina and Friends [photograph]. Center for Southwest Research, University Libraries, University of New Mexico.
Nabokov, P. (Photographer). (c. 1967-1968). Tijerina in handcuffs [photograph]. Center for Southwest Research, University Libraries, University of New Mexico.
Kernberger, K. (Photographer). (1967). 1967 Alianza Convention [photograph]. Center for Southwest Research, University Libraries, University of New Mexico.
Nabokov, P. (Photographer). (c. 1967-1968). Down with Federal Anarchy [photograph]. Center for Southwest Research, University Libraries, University of New Mexico.
Zuniga, L. (Photographer). (n.d.). Maria Varela [photograph]. Maria Varela Photography.
Holm, M. (Photographer). (n.d.). Antonio Manzanares [photograph]. The New York Times/Redux.
Shultz, E. (Photographer). (n.d.). Ike de Vargas and Sam Hitt [photograph]. Original appearance in La Jicarita.
Matthews, K. (Photographer). (n.d.). Effigy of John Talbeerth at the La Manga protest site [photograph]. Original appearance in La Jicarita.
Beckner, L. (Photographer). (n.d.). Raul Flores standing guard at the Flores camp in Tierra Amarilla [photograph]. The Santa Fe New Mexican.
Brink, S. (Photographer). (1988). Four generations of the Flores family at the center of a land-grant dispute, Tierra Amarilla, New Mexico [photograph]. Courtesy of Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), No. HP.2014.14.470.
Castillo, O. (Photographer). (n.d.). El Paso, Texas Raza Unida Party Convention [photograph], The Oscar Castillo Collection. Courtesy of the UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center.
(n.d.). Integrated classroom in Albuquerque [photograph]. 000-119-0418, Cobb Memorial Photography Collection, Center for Southwest Research, University Libraries, University of New Mexico.
(1950). George Long [photograph]. University of New Mexico Mirage Publication.
Kaliff, C. (Photographer). (2009). Herbert Wright [photograph]. The Danbury News-Times. © Hearst Connecticut Media Group.
(n.d.). Grant Chapel AME Church [photograph].
(n.d.). Women in the classroom [photograph]. Central New Mexico Community College.
(n.d.). African American man working to improve job skills [photograph]. Central New Mexico Community College.
(1960). Sitdown Spreads to Hobbs [newspaper]. Hobbs Daily News-Sun.
(n.d.). NAACP celebrates 100th anniversary [photograph]. The Albuquerque Journal.
(c. 1970). All Indian Pueblo Council logo [photograph]. Indian Pueblo Cultural Center, Inc.–Photo Archives, Albuquerque, NM.
(1970). President Richard Nixon Speaking to Attendees at Signing Ceremony for the Blue Lake Bill, HR 471, which Deeded Lands to Taos and Pueblo Indians, 12/15/1970 [photograph]. Office of Presidential Libraries, Richard Nixon Library.
(n.d.). Wendell Chino [photograph]. The Albuquerque Journal.
Eastwood, J. (n.d.). Inn of the Mountain Gods [photograph]. Bauserman Group.
Chapter 16
Splash Image: Ruk, L. (Photographer). (2013). Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta [photograph]. Retrieved from Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0.
(n.d.). Cliff Fragua [photograph]. Indian Pueblo Cultural Center.
Magdalena, M. and J. Lujan (Photographers). (2015). Students, Faculty, and Staff of Central New Mexico Community College [photographs]. Distance Learning, Central New Mexico Community College.