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  1. There are only a few religions in the world today.
  2. Powers or phenomena that are not subject to the laws of nature are called
  3. Religion is considered a cultural universal.
  4. Features that unite the definition of religion include:
  5. For non-Western societies there is often no special term or concept of religion.
  6. Rituals
  7. Rituals that ensure a transformation from one life stage are calledto another life stage
  8. Sarah Tenoi is
  9. The idea that the natural world is endowed with souls or consciousness is called
  10. Rituals that mark the transition from childhood to adulthood are called
  11. The intense feeling of togetherness and ecstatic excitement that accompanies ritual is called
  12. Bruce Hood showed that
  13. James Frazer coined the term __________________ to refer to magic based on “like produces like”
  14. Some of the earliest evidence for supernatural belief is
  15. Belief in supreme deities is called
  16. Archaeologist and priest Abbe Henri Breuil suggested that ancient paintings of animals on the walls of European caves were a form of
  17. In Sulawesi, Indonesia, a person isn’t considered dead until
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