Unit 1: Grammar Basics
Unit 2: Sentence Building
- SB1: Incorporating Core Sentence Components (Avoiding Fragments)
- SB2: Choosing Appropriate Verb Tenses
- SB3: Making Sure Subjects and Verbs Agree
- SB4: Avoiding Misplaced Modifiers, Dangling Modifiers, and Split Infinitives
- SB5: Preventing Mixed Constructions
- SB6: Connecting Pronouns and Antecedents Clearly
Unit 3: Grammar
Unit 4: Punctuation
- P1: Using Commas Properly
- P2: Avoiding Unnecessary Commas
- P3: Eliminating Comma Splices and Fused Sentences
- P4: Writing with Semicolons and Colons
- P5: Using Apostrophes
- P6: Using Quotation Marks
- P7: Incorporating Dashes and Parentheses
- P8: Choosing Correct End Punctuation
- P9: Knowing When to Use Hyphens
Unit 5: Mechanics
Unit 6: Word Choice and Style
- WCS1: Controlling Wordiness and Writing Concisely
- WCS2: Using Appropriate Language
- WCS3: Choosing Precise Diction
- WCS4: Using Varied Sentence Lengths and Styles
- WCS5: Writing in Active Voice and Uses of Passive Voice
- WCS6: Using Parallelism
- WCS7: Avoiding Exclusive and Offensive Language
- WCS8: Managing Mood
Writing for Nonnative English Speakers
- 1.1 Parts of Speech
- 1.2 English Word Order
- 1.3 Count and Noncount Nouns
- 1.4 Articles
- 1.5 Singulars and Plurals
- 1.6 Verb Tenses
- 1.7 Correct Verbs
- 1.8 Modal Auxiliary Verbs
- 1.9 Gerunds and Infinitives
- 1.10 Forming Participles
- 1.11 Adverbs and Adjectives
- 1.12 Irregular Adjectives
- 1.13 Indefinite Adjectives
- 1.14 Predicate Adjectives
- 1.15 Clauses and Phrases
- 1.16 Relative Pronouns and Clauses
- 1.17 Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases
- 1.18 Omitted Words
- 1.19 Not and Other Negative Words
- 1.20 Idioms
- 1.21 Spelling Tips
- 1.22 American Writing Styles, Argument, and Structure