ENG 1210 Technical Writing Table of Contents
- Chapter 1: What is Technical Communication and Technical Writing?
- Chapter 2: What Is Rhetoric?
- Chapter 3: The Writing Process
- Chapter 4: Ethics in Technical Writing
- Chapter 5: Basic Workplace Genres
- Chapter 6: Employment Materials
- Chapter 7: Integrate Visuals and Apply Design Principles
- Chapter 8: Basic Principles of Readability
- Chapter 9: Website Design-Composing for the Web and Effectively Utilizing Social Media
- Chapter 10: Writing Instructions
- Chapter 11: Strategies for Peer Reviewing and Team Writing
- Chapter 12: Engaging with Research: Finding and Using Valid Sources
- Chapter 13: Avoiding Plagiarism and Integrating Sources
- Chapter 14: Preparing Business Proposals
- Chapter 15: Develop Effective Presentation Skills and Materials